Online SSC Biology Quiz: Practice for Free

Quiz No. 02

Biology Quiz

Biology Quiz - 02

Biology Quiz for Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and other general competitive Exams.

Total Questions: 10               Time Duration: 5 minutes

All questions are compulsory

There is no negative marking.

Answers will be provided at the end of the quiz.

1 / 10

Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme?

2 / 10

The tissue which plays a significant role in the growth of almost all bones -

3 / 10

Which irrigation method is the most suitable for water scarcity regions?

4 / 10

Silviculture is associated with-

5 / 10

Which of the following has the smallest living cell?

6 / 10

Non-membrane bound cell organelle-

7 / 10

The thickest human skin is of -

8 / 10

The center for DNA fingerprint and diagnostic is located at -

9 / 10

The kingdom Protista forms a link with

10 / 10

Which of the following is the product of the dark reaction of photosynthesis?

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