Define System: Mechanical System Design
Mechanical System derived from systema- an organized…System INPUTS/OUTPUTS A system always interacts with…Boundary- It is the physical…Sub-system is a
Mechanical System derived from systema- an organized…System INPUTS/OUTPUTS A system always interacts with…Boundary- It is the physical…Sub-system is a
Notes on Modes of Heat Transfer: Coduction, Convection, Radiation. Short and Concise, highlighting important points. Prepare for GATE, IES, ISRO, PSUs,
Convection – It is the process of heat transfer within a fluid by mixing of one portion of the fluid with another. Dimensionless Numbers related to Convection are
Radiation Heat Transfer: What is Radiation? Important Definitions of Thermal Radiation, Total Emissive Power (E) Different Laws in Thermal Radiation
Shape Factor Definition
Reciprocity Theorem
A1F1-2 = A2F2-1
It indicates that the net radiant interchange may be evaluated by computing a one-way configuration factor from either surface to the other.
Shape Factor of Some Important Surfaces
Get Short and Concise Notes of Fluids Properties:Definitions and Formulas…GATE, IES, ISRO Exam…Newton’s Law of Viscosity Important Terms Related to…
Hydrostatics Definition
The Branch of science which deals with the study of fluids at rest.
Pascal’s Law
It states that the pressure or intensity of pressure at a point in a fluid at rest is equal in all directions.
Let consider a fluid at rest in a closed container then a change in pressure at one point will be transmitted without loss to every point of the fluid and to the walls of the container.
Dimensional Analysis Definition
All engineering quantities can be defined in four basic or fundamental dimensions- Mass (M), Length (L), Time (T), and Temperature (θ).