Percentage: Basic Concepts, Formulas

SSC Maths

A percent is derived from the Latin word ‘per centum’ which means ‘per hundred.
The percentage is a way of comparing quantities.
Percentages are basically numerators of fractions with denominator 100.
A percent is represented by the symbol – ‘%’.
Ex- 1% means 1 out of 100 or one-hundredths.
1% = 1/100 = 0.001
Interpreting Percentages
Ex- What do you mean by this statement. let say – “Raj saves 25% of his income.
Interpretation – It means 25 parts out of 100, or it means Raj is saving 25 rupees out of every 100 rupees that he earns.

Important Formula
% Change – (Increase or decrease)
℅change = (final value – Initial Value)*100/Initial Value