Practice Free History Quiz for UPSC, SSC, Railway Last Updated on: April 8, 2023 by Toppers Portal Quiz No. 04: Ancient History 0 votes, 0 avg 15 History Quiz-05Quiz on History for Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and other general competitive Exams.Total Questions: 10 Time: 5 minChoose the correct option out of the four alternatives.All Questions are Compulsory. 1 / 10Who founded Patliputra? Dharmapala Ajatshatru Udayin Ashoka 2 / 10Ashokan inscriptions were first deciphered by Robert Sebel James Prinsep Vincent Smith None of these 3 / 10Gautam Buddha is depicted on the coins of Budhagupta Nahpaad None of these Kanishka 4 / 10Where was the capital of Satavahanas located? Nanded Amravati Naldurg Durg 5 / 10Which was the most famous centre of learning during morion period- Taxila Ujjain Nalanda Vaishali 6 / 10Name the first Gupta ruler to assume the title of “Param Bhagavata”? Chandragupta I Samudragupta Srigupta Chandragupta II 7 / 10What was the ancient name of Ujjain? Taxila Indraprastha Avantika None of these 8 / 10Who among the following was not a contemporary of the other three- Milinda Prasenjit Gautam Buddha Bimbisara 9 / 10Indica was originally written by- Megasthenes Pliny Diodorus Vishnu Gupta 10 / 10The name by which Ashoka is referred to his inscriptions is- Dharmakirti Chakravarty Dharmadeva Priyadarshi Your score isThe average score is 34% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart Quiz Exit Click Button 5 for Quiz No. 05Pages: 1 2 3 4 5