Important Indian Constitution Sources and Provisions

Here is the list of the countries of the Indian Constitution Sources and the important features that are taken. These notes on Indian Constitution Sources and its features are very important for competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, IBPS, etc.

  • We know that on the recommendation of Cabinet Mission, the Indian Constituent Assembly was framed to develop the Constitution of India.
  • The Constituent Assembly was constituted in November 1946.

Our Constitution was framed by considering the features from different sources, many call it a copy paste work.

“As to the accusation that the Draft Constitution has reproduced a good part of the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935, I make no apologies. There is nothing to be ashamed of in borrowing. It involves no plagiarism. Nobody holds any patent rights in the fundamental ideas of a Constitution.” said the chairman of drafting committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

The Provisions that are made in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from the constitution of Different Countries.

Indian Constitution Sources

Note- The 1935 Government of India Act has the maximum effect on the Indian Constitution.

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List of Countries

Here is the list of some important countries from where the different provisions made in the constitution are borrowed.

  1. United Kingdom
  2. United States of America
  3. Russia
  4. France
  5. Ireland
  6. Germany
  7. Australia
  8. Canada
  9. South Africa

Countries and Provisions borrowed

Here is the list of some important features that are taken from the countries mentioned above-

United Kingdom

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Parliamentary form of Government
  2. Parliamentary Privilege
  3. Single Citizenship
  4. Bicameral Legislative
  5. Constitutional Condition of President
  6. Lawmaking System
  7. Rule of Law
United States of America

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Fundamental Rights
  2. Impeachment
  3. Idea of Preamble
  4. Post of Vice-President
  5. The supremacy of the Constitution
  6. The organization of the Supreme Court and its Power
  7. Judicial Review

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Fundamental Duties
  2. An ideal of Justice (Social, Economic & Political) in our Preamble

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Republic
  2. The idea of Liberty and Equality

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Directive Principles of State Policy
  2. The election process of the President
  3. Nomination in Rajya Sabha

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Emergency

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Freedom of trade and commerce within the country and between the states
  2. Concurrent List

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Federal System
South Africa

The Important provisions made are –

  1. Constitutional Amendment

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