Planet Facts: Interesting Planet Facts and Information

Here we mention some interesting information and Planets Facts that are important for the examinations like SSC, Banking, and other state and central level exams.

Important Planet Information

Planet Definition

A Planet is a celestial body that orbits around the sun and has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces. In our Solar System, there is a total of eight planets

Note- Pluto is considered a Dwarf Planet.

Jupiter is the largest planet with a diameter of 139822 km, followed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury.

Terrestrial Planets- The four innermost planets- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are terrestrial planets.

Time to take a Single Orbit

Mercury- 88 Earth Days

Venus- 225 Earth Days

Earth- 365.24 Days

Mars- 1.9 Earth Years

Jupiter- 11.9 Earth Years

Saturn- 29.5 Earth Years

Uranus- 84 Earth Years

Neptune- 164.8 Earth Years

Interesting Planets Facts

This planet is called the Blue Planet – Earth

The name of the Green Planet is – Uranus

The Brightest Planet is – Venus

The Smallest Planet is – Mercury

The Red Planet is – Mars

The Biggest Planet is – Jupiter

Nearest Planet to Earth is – Venus

The Densest Planet is – Earth

The coldest Planet is – Neptune

The farthest planet from the sun is – Neptune

The Hottest Planet is – Venus

This Planet is called the evening star – Venus

This planet is called the morning star – Venus

The nearest planet to the Sun is – Mercury

The planet with the maximum number of satellites is – Saturn

The brightest planet outside the solar system is – Sirius (also called the Dog Star)

The closest star of our solar system is – Proxima Centauri

The planet which has the fastest revolution in the solar system – Mercury

The planet which has the fastest rotation in the solar system – Jupiter

The planet which has the slowest revolution in the solar system – Neptune

The planet which has the slowest rotation in the solar system – Venus

The planet which is called the Earth’s twin – Venus

The only satellite with an Earth-like atmosphere – Titan

The smallest satellite in our solar system – Deimos (Mars)

The biggest satellite in our solar system is – Ganymede (Jupiter)

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