Time and Distance Problems (MCQs)

Must Read Article- Time and Distance: Basic Concepts, Formulas

1. A monkey climbs a slippery pole 12 m high. It rises 1 meter in every 1 minute and slips half a meter in every next minute. Find the time (in minutes) taken to reach the top of the pole?

(a). 45

(b). 48

(c). 44

(d). 38

2. In A hours and B minutes, a man travels C miles. The man’s speed in miles per hour?

(a) C/(60+B)

(b) C/A+B

(c) 60C/60A+B

(d) 60/60+B

3. Two trains start at the same point and travel in opposite directions. If one train travels at 30 miles per hour (ca. 48 km/h) and the other at 50 miles per hour (ca. 80 km/h), then time lapsed before they are 240 miles (ca. 386 km) apart is?

(a) 1 hour

(b) 1.5 hours

(c) 0.5 hours

(d) 3 hours

4. A car covers a distance in 50 minutes. If it runs at 48 kmph on an average speed, then speed at which the car should run to reduce the time of journey to 40 minutes will be?

(a) 50 kmph

(b) 55 kmph

(c) 60 kmph

(d) 70 kmph

5. If a man travels x miles per hour for 5 hours and then travels 4x/3 miles per hour every hour thereafter, the miles he drives in 20 hours will be?

(a) 10 x

(b) 25 x

(c)  25x/2

(d) 12x

Click for Answer/Explanation

1. (a)

Avg. Speed – 1 m per 4 minutes. So, for 11 meters, time is taken = 44 minutes

Now, for last 1-meter jump add 1 minute

Hence, the total Time is taken = 45 minutes

2. (c)

3. (d)

4. (c)

5. (b)

Must Read Article- Profit and Loss Problems (MCQs)

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