16. Aluminum Bronze is also called-
A. White metal
B. Imitation gold
C. Muntz metal
D. Duraluminum
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17. Structure of common glass is-
A. Amorphous
B. Fully crystalline
C. Partially crystalline
D. None of these
18. The elastic limit of cast iron as compared to its ultimate breaking strength is-
A. Half
B. Double
C. Approximately the same
D. None of these
19. Line Imperfection in a crystal is known as-
A. Frenkel Defect
B. Edge Dislocation
C. Miller Defect
D. Schottky Defect
20. In the designation of Aluminum casting A514.0 14 indicates-
A. Aluminum purity
B. Aluminum content
C. Magnesium content
D. percentage of alloy element