11. Two metals X and Y are to be used for making two different alloys. If the ratio by weight of X : Y in the first alloy is 6:5 and that in the second is 7 : 13, how many kg of X metal must be melted along with 11 kg of the first alloy and 20 kg of the second so as to produce a new alloy containing 40% of metal Y?
(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 13
(d) 14
12. TWO vessels contain mixtures of juice and water in the ratio of 8 to 3 and 5 to 1 respectively. In What ratio must liquid be drawn from each vessel to give a mixture in the ratio of 4 to 1?
(a) 24/11
(b) 11/24
(c) 23/12
(d) 12/23
13. How many kg of tea at Rs. 62.5 per kg must be added to 100 kg of tea at Rs. 78 per kg so that a profit of 33.33% is made by selling the mixture at Rs. 94 per kg?
(a) 93.75 kg
(b) 85.75 kg
(c) 78.75 kg
(d) 80 kg
14. A pot contains a mixture of milk and water in the ratio of 4:3 and another pot contains a mixture of milk and water in the ratio of 3 : 4. How many seers of the second mixture should be added to 7 seers of the first in order that the milk and water in the resulting mixture be 6:5?
(a) 14/9
(b) 9/14
(c) 11/14
(d) 14/11
15. A merchant has 100 kg. of sugar, part of which he sells at 7% profit and the rest at 17% profit. He gains 10% on the whole. How much is sold at 17%?
(a) 28 kg
(b) 30 kg
(c) 32 kg
(d) 31 kg