100+ Political Science MCQ Questions with Answers

Important Political Science MCQ

Here are some of the important Indian Political Science MCQ for Competitive Exams like SSC, IBPS, UPSC, and other exams.

Note: The answers and the explanations for each Political Science MCQ is provided after 10 or 15 questions.

1. Name the body which framed the Constitution of Independent India?

A) Drafting Committee

B) Constituent Assembly

C) Union Constitution Committee

D) A Working Committee

2. Initially how many members were the part of the Constituent Assembly?

A) 275

B) 325

C) 389

D) 292

3. What was the number of articles at the time of commencement of the constitution?

A) 389

B) 448

C) 395

D) 255

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4. Which of the following Schedules of the Constitution of India deals with matters like the formation of a new State?

A) First Schedule

B) Second Schedule

C) Third Schedule

D) Fourth Schedule

5. Which house is called the Upper house of the parliament?

A) Lok Sabha

B) Rajya Sabha

C) Vidhan Sabha

D) Both A and B

6. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected for a time period of-

A) 4 years

B) 5 years

C) 6 years

D) Not defined

7. The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution is derived from which country?

A) Russia


C) Britain

D) South Africa

8. Which article states that there will be Vice-President of India?

A) Article 53

B) Article 63

C) Article 73

D) Article 57

9. The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is –

A) 500

B) 525

C) 542

D) 552

10. The President of India can nominate to the Rajya Sabha –

A) 6 members

B) 9 members

C) 12 members

D) 15 members

11. The most controversial amendment passed during the emergency was –

A) 43rd

B) 41st

C) 42nd

D) 44th

12. According to the Preamble of the Constitution, India is a –

A) Sovereign democratic socialist republic

B) A sovereign socialist secular republic

C) Sovereign democratic republic

D) Sovereign socialist secular democratic republic

13. Who will decide the office of profit?

A) President and Governor

B) Union Parliament

C) Supreme Court

D) Union Public Service Commission

14. How many times has financial emergency been declared in India so far?

A) 5 times

B) 4 times

C) Once

D) Never

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15. The total number of members of the legislative council can in no case be less than –

A) 40

B) 60

C) 50

D) No minimum strength has been fixed

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Answer 1: A) Drafting Committee

The Drafting Committee was set up on 29th August 1947 under the chairmanship Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. It took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to frame the constitution.

Answer 2: C) 389

The Constituent Assembly consisted of 389 members.

  • Provinces- 292
  • States- 93
  • The Chief Commissioner Provinces- 3
  • Baluchistan- 1

Answer 3: C) 395

At the time of commencement of the constitution, there were 395 articles, 22 parts, and 8 schedules. Now at present, there are 448 articles in 25 parts and 12 schedules.

Answer 4: A) First Schedule

Schedule First of the Indian Constitution deals with the subject matters of the Indian States and the Union Territories. Initially, the constitution had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules. Now at present, the Constitution of India has 448 articles in 25 parts and 12 schedules.

Answer 5: B) Rajya Sabha

Rajya Sabha is called the upper house of the parliament. The maximum members allowed in the Rajya Sabha is 250 (238+12).

Answer 6: C) 6 years

The members are elected for a period of 6 years. Every 2-year 1/3rd members retire from the house.

Answer 7: A) Russia

Fundamental Duties is derived from Russia.

Also Read: Sources of Indian Constitution

Answer 8: B) Article 63

Article 63 states that there will be a Vice-President of India.

Answer 9: D) 552

  • The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is 552.
  • The States are represented by 530 members and the Union Territories by 20 members. The President nominates two Anglo Indian members if that community does not have sufficient representation in the house.
  • The present strength of Lok Sabha is 545. There are 530 members from states 13 members from Union Territories and two members are nominated by the President.

Answer 10: C) 12 members

Answer 11: C) 42nd

Answer 12: D) Sovereign socialist secular democratic republic

Answer 13: A) President and Governor

Answer 14: D) Never

Answer 15: A) 40

    16. The defeat of Government in Rajya Sabha leads to –

    A) Its dismissal by the President

    B) Resignation by Prime Minister

    C) Advice by President to Prime Minister to relinquish office

    D) None of these

    17. The Parliament or a state legislature can declare a seat vacant if a member absents himself without permission from the sessions for –

    A) 30 days

    B) 60 days

    C) 90 days

    D) Does not has this power

    18. What was the number of the princely states in India at the time of partition?

    A) 555

    B) 558

    C) 560

    D) 562

    19. Which Article of the Constitution of India abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any form?

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    A) Article 16

    B) Article 17

    C) Article 18

    D) Article 15

    20. Diet is the name of the Parliament of which Nation?

    A) China

    B) Japan

    C) Vietnam

    D) Germany

    21. The maximum number of Anglo Indians who can be nominated to the Lok Sabha is –

    A) 3

    B) 2

    C) 5

    D) 4

    22. In the case of disagreement on a Bill, in the two Houses of Parliament –

    A) A special Parliamentary Committee is formed to resolve the situation.

    B) The Prime Minister intervenes.

    C) The President casts a deciding vote.

    D) A joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament is convened

    23. The Supreme Commander of India’s Defence Forces is –

    A) Chief of Staff of the Indian Army

    B) President of India

    C) Prime Minister of India

    D) Defence Minister

    24. What is the minimum year of age for a candidate for the office of the Vice-President?

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    A) 25

    B) 30

    C) 35

    D) 28

    25. The number of judges can be altered in the Supreme Court by –

    A) Presidential Order

    B) Parliament by Law

    C) Supreme Court by Notification

    D) Central Government by notification

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    Answer 16: D) None of these

    Answer 17: B) 60 days

    Answer 18: D) 562

    Answer 19: B) Article 17

    • Article 15 – Any discrimination on the basis of race, caste, birthplace or religion is illegal.
    • Article 16 – Equality to all citizens in employment.
    • Article 18 – Abolition of all titles except military honor or title conferred on the basis of educational accomplishments.

    Answer 20: B) Japan

    Answer 21: B) 2

    Answer 22: D) A joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament is convened

    Answer 23: B) President of India

    Answer 24: C) 35

    • As per article 66, the candidate contesting for the election of Vice-President of India should fulfill the below conditions.
    • He must be a citizen of India He must have completed the age of 35 years He cannot hold an office for profit.
    • He must be qualified to become a member of Rajya Sabha.

    Answer 25: B) Parliament by Law

    26. In which among the following cases, the Supreme Court of India propounded the theory of the basic structure of the Constitution?

    A) Gopalan vs. the State of Madras

    B) Golak Nath

    C) Keshvanand Bharati

    D) Minerva Mills

    27. By which among the following amendments of the constitution, Delhi was made the National Capital Territory?

    A) 63rd

    B) 69th

    C) 74th

    D) 75th

    28. The Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread their religion in India, under the Act?

    A) Pitts India Act of 1784

    B) Charter Act of 1813

    C) Charter Act of 1833

    D) Charter Act of 1853

    29. The Constitution of India was adopted by the constituent assembly on?

    A) 25 October 1948

    B) 25 October 1949

    C) 26 November 1948

    D) 26 November 1949

    30. Which article is related to Special Address by the president?

    A) Article 84

    B) Article 85

    C) Article 86

    D) Article 87

    31. How many Schedules are there in the Constitution of India?

    A) 10 Schedules

    B) 12 Schedules

    C) 14 Schedules

    D) 16 Schedules

    32. Which Article is described as the “Heart and Soul of the Constitution”?

    A) Article 20

    B) Article 32

    C) Article 36

    D) Article 50

    33. The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the –

    A) chief justice of India

    B) President

    C) Chief justice of the high court

    D) Speaker of the legislative assembly

    34. Who of the following became President of India without serving as Vice President?

    A) Zakir Husain

    B) V V Giri

    C) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

    D) K R Narayanan

    35. Which article says that ‘there shall be a Vice-President of India’?

    A) Article 63

    B) Article 62

    C) Article 61

    D) Article 64

    36. How many members retire from Rajya Sabha every second year?

    A) 1/3

    B) 1/5

    C) 1/2

    D) 2/3

    37. Who was the first Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

    A) Violet Alva

    B) S.V.Krishnamoorthy Rao

    C) B. D. Khobragade

    D) Godey Murahari

    38. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?

    A) Chief Justice of India

    B) President

    C) Prime Minister

    D) Parliament

    39. The power to decide an election petition is vested in the –

    A) High Court

    B) Election Commission

    C) Parliament

    D) Supreme Court

    40. The Constitution names our country as –

    A) Bharat

    B) Aryavarta

    C) Hindustan

    D) India, that is Bharat

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    Answer 26: C) Keshvanand Bharati

    Answer 27: B) 69th

    Answer 28: B) Charter Act of 1813

    Answer 29: D) 26 November 1949

    Answer 30: D) Article 87

    • Article 84 – Qualification for membership of Parliament.
    • Article 85 – Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution.
    • Article 86 – Right of President to address and send messages to Houses

    Answer 31: B) 12 Schedules

    Initially it was 8, and later on 4 were added. So, it is 12 now.

    Answer 32: B) Article 32

    Answer 33: C) Chief justice of the High Court

    Answer 34: C) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

    Answer 35: A) Article 63

    Answer 36: A) 1/3

    Answer 37: B) S.V.Krishnamoorthy Rao

    Answer 38: B) President

    Answer 39: B) Election Commission

    Answer 40: D) India, that is Bharat

    A) 1927

    B) 1946

    C) 1939

    D) 1942

    42. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by-

    A) First Amendment

    B) Eighth Amendment

    C) Ninth Amendment

    D) Forty Second Amendment

    43. Which of the following Acts was described by Jawahar Lai Nehru as ‘Charter of Slavery’?

    A) Regulating Act, 1773

    B) Pitt’s India Act, 1784

    C) Government of India Act 1919

    D) Government of India Act, 1935

    44. A Bill passed by the Parliament has to be signed by-

    A) Prime Minister

    B) President

    C) Cabinet

    D) Speaker

    45. Which of the following events compelled Gandhiji to launch the Civil Disobedience Movement?

    A) Jalianwala Bagh massacre

    B) Chauri Chaura incident

    C) Rowlatt Act

    D) Failure of Cripps Mission

    46. Which Indian state has its own constitution?

    A) Punjab

    B) Delhi

    C) Jammu and Kashmir

    D) West Bengal

    47. Which of the following is not a language included in the eighth schedule of the constitution?

    A) English

    B) Konkani

    C) Sindhi

    D) Kashmiri

    48. The Fundamental Duties were added to the constitution for the first time in-

    A) 1974

    B) 1975

    C) 1976

    D) 1977

    49. Into how many parts has the Indian Constitution been divided?

    A) 7

    B) 11

    C) 21

    D) 22

    50. According to the provisions of the Constitution, which one of the following can be abolished?

    A) Legislative Assembly

    B) Legislative Council

    C) Rajya Sabha

    D) Lok Sabha

    51. In the Panchayati Raj system, the ‘Panchayat Samiti’ is constituted at the-

    A) Village level

    B) Block level

    C) City level

    D) District level

    52. In India there is-

    A) One party system

    B) Bi-party system

    C) Multi-party system

    D) None of the above

    53. Who among the following persons are acknowledged as the father of the Indian Constitution?

    A) Mahatma Gandhi

    B) Jawaharlal Nehru

    C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

    D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    54. A legislature of a country-

    A) Makes the laws

    B) Interprets the laws

    C) Protects the laws

    D) Enforces the laws

    55. The legislature having two houses is known as-

    A) Uni-cameral

    B) Bi-cameral

    C) Upper House

    D) Lower House

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    Answer 41: D) 1942

    Answer 42: A) First Amendment

    Answer 43: D) Government of India Act, 1935

    Answer 44: B) President

    Answer 45: C) Rowlatt Act

    Answer 46: C) Jammu and Kashmir

    Answer 47: A) English

    Answer 48: C) 1976

    Answer 49: D) 22

    Answer 50: B) Legislative Council

    Answer 51: B) Block Level

    Answer 52: C) Multi-party system

    Answer 53: C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

    Answer 54: A) Makes the laws

    Answer 55: B) Bi-cameral

    56. Dictatorship is based on-

    A) Force and Fear

    B) Public Opinion

    C) Will of God

    D) The allegiance of the Constitution

    57. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Whose statement is it?

    A) Rousseau

    B) J. S. Mill

    C) T. H. Green

    D) Abraham Lincoln

    58. A state ruled by a few persons for the good of all the people is known as-

    A) Aristocracy

    B) Democracy

    C) Oligarchy

    D) Monarchy

    59. The Official legal advisor to the State Government is-

    A) The Chief Justice

    B) The Attorney – General

    C) The Advocate – General

    D) A bench of High Court Judges

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    60. In the Federation under the Act of 1935 residuary powers were given to the-

    A) Federal Legislature

    B) Provincial Legislature

    C) Governor General

    D) Provincial Governor

    61. Who was the Chairman of the Union Power Committee of Constituent Assembly of India?

    A) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

    B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

    C) Sri Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar

    D) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

    62. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by the President. He can be removed-

    A) By the President

    B) On an address from both Houses of Parliament

    C) By the Supreme Court

    D) On the recommendation of the President by the Supreme Court

    63. Ordinance of Governor has to be passed by the Assembly within-

    A) 6 weeks

    B) 8 weeks

    C) 10 weeks

    D) 12 weeks

    64. Which of the following is a source of income of the Gram Panchayat?

    A) Sales tax

    B) Levy tax

    C) Income tax

    D) Professional tax

    65. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by-

    A) The people

    B) Lok Sabha

    C) Elected members of the legislative assembly

    D) Elected members of the legislative council

    66. The power to decide an election petition is vested in the-

    A) Parliament

    B) Supreme Court

    C) High Courts

    D) Election Commission

    67. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide the dispute between the center and states falls under its-

    A) Advisory jurisdiction

    B) Appellate jurisdiction

    C) Original jurisdiction

    D) Constitutional jurisdiction

    68. Who appointed G.V.K Rao Committee in 1985 on the administrative arrangement for Rural Development and Poverty alleviation programs?

    A) President of India

    B) Prime Minister of India

    C) Planning Commission

    D) Lok Sabha

    69. Which President of India elected unopposed?

    A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

    C) N. Sanjeeva Reddy

    D) Giani Zail Singh

    70. To whom does the President of India submit his resignation?

    A) Vice-President

    B) Chief Justice

    C) Speaker of Lok Sabha

    D) Prime Minister

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    Answer 56: A) Force and Fear

    Answer 57: D) Abraham Lincoln

    Answer 58:  A) Aristocracy

    Answer 59: C) The Advocate – General

    Answer 60: C) Governor General

    Answer 61: D) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

    Answer 62: B) On an address from both Houses of Parliament

    Answer 63: A) 6 weeks

    Answer 64: B) Levy tax

    Answer 65: C) Elected members of the legislative assembly

    Answer 66: C) High Courts

    Answer 67: C) Original jurisdiction

    Answer 68: C) Planning Commission

    Answer 69: C) N. Sanjeeva Reddy

    Answer 70: A) Vice-President

    71. Where the resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved?

    A) In Lok Sabha

    B) In Rajya Sabha

    C) A joint sitting of Parliament

    D) Either house of Parliament

    72. Who has the power to make treaties with other nations?

    A) The Parliament

    B) The Prime Minister

    C) The President of India

    D) All of these

    73. Which one of the following fundamental right is available only to citizens of India and not to foreigners?

    A) Equality of law

    B) Prohibition of discrimination

    C) Protection of life and Personal liberty

    D) freedom to manage religious affairs

    74. About which article of the Indian Constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar said, “It is the very soul of the constitution and the very life of it”?

    A) Article – 14

    B) Article – 19

    C) Article – 25

    D) Article – 32

    75. The original Constitution of India fixed how many Judges for the Supreme Court?

    A) 8

    B) 10

    C) 13

    D) 17

    76. A judge of a High Court can resign from his/her office by writing to –

    A) Chief Justice of Concerned High Court

    B) Chief Justice of India

    C) President of India

    D) Governor of concerned State

    77. Who appoints the Judges of the Supreme Court?

    A) National Judicial Appointment Commission

    B) Supreme Court Collegiums

    C) The President of India

    D) Prime Minister of India

    78. In the first General election to the Lok Sabha in 1952 how many national parties were contested?

    A) 12

    B) 14

    C) 7

    D) 9

    79. In which state the EVMs were used for the first time in the general elections entire state) to the Assembly?

    A) Rajasthan

    B) Madhya Pradesh

    C) Goa

    D) Delhi

    80. How many women were elected to the First Lok Sabha?

    A) 22

    B) 19

    C) 27

    D) 44

    81. Name of the Chairman of the Committee, on whose recommendations Panchayati Raj system with two tiers was introduced in India

    A) Balwant Rai Mehta

    B) Ashok Mehta

    C) G.V. K. Rao

    D) Dr. L. M. Singhvi

    82. The first Chairman of Rajya Sabha was-

    A) Rajendra Prasad

    B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

    C) Dr. Zakir Husain

    D) G. V. Mavalankar

    83. In a democracy, civil services play an important role in-

    1. policy making
    2. policy implementation
    3. socio-economic development

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below

    A) 1 and 2 only

    B) 1 and 3 only

    C) 2 and 3 only

    D) 1, 2 and 3

    84. The major benefits of federalism are-

    1. it helps in quick decision making.
    2. it gives voice to regional interests.
    3. it creates a network of checks and balances.

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below

    A) 1 and 2 only

    B) 1 and 3 only

    C) 2 only

    D) 2 and 3 only

    85. Indian constitution is a combination of federal and non-federal features. Point out the non-federal features from these-

    1. All India Services
    2. The flexibility of the constitution
    3. Supremacy of constitution
    4. Bicameralism

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below

    A) 1 and 2 only

    B) 1 and 3 only

    C) 2 and 3 only

    D) 1 and 4 only

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    Answer 71: B) In Rajya Sabha

    Answer 72: C) The President of India

    Answer 73: B) Prohibition of discrimination

    Answer 74: D) Article – 32

    Answer 75: A) 8

    Answer 76: C) President of India

    Answer 77: B) Supreme Court Collegiums

    Note – President elects on the recommendation of Supreme Court Collegiums, a group of a few people including CJI.

    Answer 78: B) 14

    Answer 79: C) Goa

    Answer 80: A) 22

    Answer 81: B) Ashok Mehta

    • Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was formed in 1957 and it recommended the 3-tier Panchayati Raj system.
    • Ashok Mehta Committee was formed in 1977 and it recommended a 2-tier system.
    • G. V. K. Rao Committee was formed in 1985 and it recommended that Zilla Parishad should be the principal agency to manage all development programs at the district level.
    • L. M. Singhvi Committee was formed in 1986 and it recommended Constitutional recognition for Panchayats.

    Answer 82: B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

    Answer 83: D) 1, 2 and 3

    Answer 84: D) 2 and 3 only

    Federalism divides the government power between center and state.

    Answer 85: A) 1 and 2 only

    86. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by-

    A) First Amendment

    B) Eighth Amendment

    C) Ninth Amendment

    D) Forty Second Amendment

    87. Which one of the following schedules of the Indian Constitution lists the names of states and specifies their territories?

    A) First

    B) Second

    C) Third

    D) Fourth

    88. How many members can be nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha?

    A) 10

    B) 12

    C) 15

    D) 18

    89. Who was the first Governor-General of free India?

    A) C Rajagopalachari

    B) Lord Mountbatten

    C) Rajendra Prasad

    D) Sardar Vallabhai Patel

    90. Who was the first Indian Governor-General of free India?

    A) C Rajagopalachari

    B) Lord Mountbatten

    C) Dr. S Radhakrishnan

    D) Rajendra Prasad

    91. By which amendment was the voting age reduced to 18 from 21?

    A) 52nd amendment

    B) 56th amendment

    C) 61st amendment

    D) 73rd amendment

    92. From which constitution did our constitution borrow the concept of the Directive Principles of State Policy?

    A) Canada

    B) Ireland

    C) United Kingdom

    D) Germany

    93. Who appoints the members of the Union Public Service Commission?

    A) President

    B) Prime Minister

    C) Chairman of UPSC

    D) Chief Justice of Supreme Court

    94. The state of Bombay was split into two states Gujarat and Maharashtra in the year-

    A) 1960

    B) 1972

    C) 1956

    D) 1980

    95. Who appoints the Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha?

    A) Speaker

    B) Prime Minister

    C) Members of the Lok Sabha

    D) President

    96. Who designed the National Flag of India?

    A) Pingali Venkayya

    B) Rajendra Prasad

    C) Jawahar Lal Nehru

    D) Mahatma Gandhi

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    Answer 86: A) First Amendment

    Answer 87: A) First

    Answer 88: B) 12

    Answer 89: B) Lord Mountbatten

    Answer 90: A) C Rajagopalachari

    Answer 91: C) 61st amendment

    Answer 92: B) Ireland

    Answer 93: A) President

    Answer 94: A) 1960

    Answer 95: A) Speaker

    Answer 96: A) Pingali Venkayya

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