Zoology Objective Questions and Answers

1. The release of which one of the following into ponds and wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes?

A. Gambusia Fish

B. Crab

C. Snail

D. Dog Fish

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Correct Answer is A

Gambusia affinis is larvivorous, which controls the mosquitoes by eating mosquito larvae, insects and crustaceans. 

2. Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme in the human system?

A. Gastrin

B. Ptyalin

C. Trypsin

D. Pepsin

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Correct Answer is A

3. Which among the following is not a good source of nutritional calcium?

A. Ragi

B. Rice

C. Skimmed Milk

D. Egg

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Correct Answer is A

Read More: Botany Objective Questions and Answers

4. The normal temperature of human in the Kelvin scale is-

A. 237

B. 286

C. 310

D. 313

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Correct Answer is A

In degree celsius, it is 37. So 273+37 = 310

5. Which one of the following is a membrane that protects the developing embryo from desiccation?

A. Chorion

B. Amnion

C. Allantois

D. Yolk Sac

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Correct Answer is B

Amnion protects by a fluid-filled space called an amniotic cavity.

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