6. Which of the following substance is employed to examine the adulteration of foodstuffs?
A. Citric Acid
B. Potassium Chloride
C. Sodium Benzoate
D. Sodium Chloride
7. The natural rubber is a polymer of –
A. Ethylene
B. Acetylene
C. Isoprene
D. Vinyl Chloride
8. Which of the following is not a natural polymer? A. Leather B. Silk C. Wool D. Nylon 9. Which of the following is a polymer? A. Urea B. Starch C. Styrene D. Vinyl Chloride 10. The first man-made silk is – A. Nylon B. Polyester C. Tricot D. Rayon Read More ? Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams