Free SSC CGL/CHSL Online Quizzes

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Maths | English | History | Geography | Polity | GK

These SSC Quizzes will surely help you to get good marks in the exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, CPO, SSC Stenographer, and other SSC & Government Job exams 2021.

If you are preparing for any of the SSC Exams, you must take these free Online SSC Quiz. Practice free Science Quizzes, General Awareness, SSC Quiz Maths, SSC Quiz English, History Quiz, Geography, Indian Polity, and Economics Quizzes.

Math Quiz

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SSC Quiz English

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History Quiz

History Quiz
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History Quiz

History Quiz-01

Quiz on History for Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and other general competitive Exams.

Total Questions: 10          Time: 5 min

Choose the correct option out of the four alternatives.

All Questions are Compulsory.

1 / 10

Who was the founder of the Independent League?

2 / 10

Who was the viceroy of India when Rowlat Act got passed?

3 / 10

In which year Goa was captured by the Portuguese?

4 / 10

When was the first Round Table Conference was held?

5 / 10

Who among the following introduced the subsidiary alliance system in India?

6 / 10

Who was the founder of Prarthana Samaj?

7 / 10

The independent states of India and Pakistan was created by-

8 / 10

Who is also known as the father of Modern India?

9 / 10

The first woman president of Indian National Congress-

10 / 10

In which year was the Swarajya Party established?

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Geography Quiz

Geography Quiz
0 votes, 0 avg
Geography Quiz

Geography Quiz-01

Quiz on Geography for Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and other general competitive Exams.

Total Questions: 10          Duration: 5 minutes

Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.

All Questions are compulsory.

1 / 10

Who discovered the Solar System?

2 / 10

Erosion of soil by rivers mainly depends on-

3 / 10

The term Epicenter is connected with-

4 / 10

HBJ pipelines carry natural gas from?

5 / 10

What is the outermost layer of the sun is called?

6 / 10

Which of the following country is closest to the Andaman Islands?

7 / 10

The tropic of cancer does not pass through which of these following Indian states ?

8 / 10

Which among the following is a Trans- Himalayan river?

9 / 10

Which is the most densely populated state of India (Census 2011)?

10 / 10

Ema is an example of this?

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Polity Quiz

Polity Quiz
0 votes, 0 avg
Indian Political quiz

Polity Quiz-01

Quiz on Indian Polity for Exams like UPSC, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and other general competitive Exams.

Total Questions: 10          Duration: 5 minutes

Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.

All Questions are compulsory.

1 / 10

What is the function of the Judiciary?

2 / 10

Which amendment of the Indian Constitution inserted the two words- 'Socialist' and 'Secular' in the Preamble?

3 / 10

Initially, how many members were there in the Constituent Assembly of India?

4 / 10

Where was the concept of a written constitution first born?

5 / 10

The separation of the judiciary from the executive has been provided in which of the following parts of the Indian Constitution?

6 / 10

Who among the following was not the member of the Constituent Assembly?

7 / 10

Who among the following is the supreme command of the Indian Defence Forces?

8 / 10

In the federation under the Act of 1935 residuary powers were given to-

9 / 10

Who considered the Article 32 of the Indian Constitution as "heart and soul"?

10 / 10

In which part of the Indian Constitution, the Fundamental Duties are mentioned?

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Economics Quiz

Economics Quiz
0 votes, 0 avg
economics quiz

Economics Quiz-01

Quiz on Economics for Exams like for SSC-CGL, UPPSC, UPSC, NDA, CDS and UPSC Civil Services Prelims Examination.

Total Questions: 10          Duration: 5 mins

Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.

All Questions are compulsory.

Best of Luck

1 / 10

In which year was the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) established?

2 / 10

In which year was the 1st regular census held in India?

3 / 10

The major emphasis in the 1st Five Year Plan was?

4 / 10

Name the headquarter of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development?

5 / 10

What is the full form of S.D.R.?

6 / 10

The bank rate is the rate at which-

7 / 10

Who was the 1st chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

8 / 10

In which year was the SEZ act passed by the parliament?

9 / 10

In India Agriculture income is calculated by-

10 / 10

Who coined the term "Hindu rate of growth" for Indian Economy?

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General Science Quiz

Science Quiz
3 votes, 3.3 avg

5 minutes

Quiz Questions

SSC Science Quiz-01

Daily MCQs Quiz on General Science for SSC Exam.

Total Questions: 10          Duration: 5 mins

Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.

All Questions are compulsory.

1 / 10

Which of the following sugars are the components of sugarcane?

2 / 10

The color of cow's milk is slightly yellowish due to the presence of -

3 / 10

Which of the following has the smallest living cell?

4 / 10

The bile is accumulated in -

5 / 10

If a lift is going up with acceleration, the apparent weight of a body-

6 / 10

Which of these rays are not electromagnetic in nature?

7 / 10

Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircraft?

8 / 10

Coca Cola sour taste?

9 / 10

Which gas is used for artificial fruits ripening?

10 / 10

Which is the rarest occurring element on the earth?

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Miscellaneous Quizzes

SSC Science Quiz-01: For SSC, Railway & Other Govt. Exams 2020

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