Geographic Terms and Definitions

Here is the list of some important Geographic Terms and their definitions. These keywords will help you in understanding Geography easily.

Aggradation- It is the process of deposition of the eroded materials in the low-lying areas.

Degradation- It is the slow erosion of the earth’s surface due to external forces.

 External Forces- Forces acting on earth from its surface.

Mountains- These are the large land masses that rise to great heights above the surrounding areas.

Plains- The flatlands with a very gentle slope.

Plateaus- Large landmasses of flatlands rising abruptly from the surrounding areas.

Axis- An imaginary line joining the two poles.

Poles- Endpoints of the Axis.

Equator- An imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal halves, called hemispheres.

Glaciers- Huge masses of snow in the mountains that move down a valley.

Relief – It is the variation in elevation on the land’s surface.

Latitude – The imaginary lines parallel to the Equator. These lines run from west-east.

Longitude – Set of imaginary circular lines drawn vertically from the North Pole to the South Pole.

Greenwich Meantime – It is the local time of Prime Meridian or 0-degree latitude.

Prime Meridian – The 0-degree longitude passing through Greenwich near London.

Local time – The time according to the longitude of that region or place.

Revolution  It is the movement of the earth around the Sun in a period of 1 year.

Rotation – It is the movement of the earth or spinning of the earth upon its own axis in about 24 hours.

Orbit – An elliptical path followed by a planet or an object around the Sun, Planet, and Moon, etc.

Meteors – Unlike Asteroids, these are small pieces of rocks that revolve around the Sun.

Meteorites – Meteors that reach the earth’s surface are called meteorites.

Satellite – A heavenly body that revolves around a planet. Ex- Moon

Saptarishi – A group of seven stars is called a Saptarishi.

Continents – These are the large landmasses on the Earth.

Lithosphere – It is the outermost solid layer of the earth made up of rocks and soil.

Biosphere – It is the zone of earth containing life. (Bio ⇒ Life + Sphere ⇒ zone)


Where all three spheres in which life sustains meet i.e, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere.

Ecosystem- Group of organisms in an area that interact with each other, together with their non-living environment.

Atmosphere – Blanket or layer of the air enveloping the Earth.

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Hydrosphere – The total water bodies on the earth.

Aphelion – It is the position of the earth on July 4th of every year when the distance between Sun and the Earth is maximum. (About 151 million Kilometer).

Equinoxes – It is the position of the earth in its orbit on 21st March and 23rd September.

Solstices – It is the position of the earth in its orbit on 21st June and 22nd December.

Perihelion – It is the position of the earth on January 4th of every year when the distance between the Sun and the Earth is minimum. (146 million Kilometer).

Asteroids – These are a planet like large pieces of rocks that revolve around the Sun.

Planet – A heavenly body that revolves around the Sun. Ex – Earth, Mars

Comets – are beautiful heavenly bodies having a long tail.

Constellations – Group of stars forming various patterns.

Star – A heavenly body has its own heat and light. Our sun is also a star.

Galaxy – A group of billion stars.

Meteors – Unlike Asteroids, these are small pieces of rocks that revolve around the Sun.

Meteorites – Meteors that reach the earth’s surface are called meteorites.

Satellite – A heavenly body that revolves around a planet. Ex- Moon

Saptarishi – A group of seven stars is called a Saptarishi.

Continents – These are the large landmasses on the Earth.

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Lithosphere – It is the outermost solid layer of the earth made up of rocks and soil.

Biosphere – It is the zone of earth containing life. (Bio ⇒ Life + Sphere ⇒ zone)


Where all three spheres in which life sustains meet i.e, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere.

Ecosystem- Group of organisms in an area that interact with each other, together with their non-living environment.

Atmosphere – Blanket or layer of the air enveloping the Earth.

Hydrosphere – The total water bodies on the earth.

Oceans – These are the large masses of water on the Earth.

Isthmus – A thin landmass that separates two water bodies.

Strait – A thin water body that separates two large landmasses.

Fossils- The dead remains of plants and animals trapped within layers of rocks.

Lava – Hot molten magma that comes out on the surface of the Earth.

Magma- Hot molten material in the Earth’s interior.

Minerals- Solid substances that occur naturally in the Rocks.

Igneous Rocks- are formed by the cooling of molten magma inside the Earth’s crust or on the surface.

Example- Granite, Dolerite.

Sedimentary Rocks- Sediments (rocks when broken down) when carried away by winds and rivers and are deposited in lowlands, lakes and ocean beds.

Examples- Sandstone, Shale, etc.

Metamorphic Rocks- Under high temperature and pressure, igneous and sedimentary rocks change their form and are called.

Examples- Marble formed from Limestone, Gneiss formed from granite.

Meteors – Unlike Asteroids, these are small pieces of rocks that revolve around the Sun.

Meteorites – Meteors that reach the earth’s surface are called meteorites.

Satellite – A heavenly body that revolves around a planet. Ex- Moon

Saptarishi – A group of seven stars is called a Saptarishi.

Continents – These are the large landmasses on the Earth.

Lithosphere – It is the outermost solid layer of the earth made up of rocks and soil.

Biosphere – It is the zone of earth containing life. (Bio ⇒ Life + Sphere ⇒ zone)


Where all three spheres in which life sustains meet i.e, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere.

Ecosystem- Group of organisms in an area that interact with each other, together with their non-living environment.

Atmosphere – Blanket or layer of the air enveloping the Earth.

Hydrosphere – The total water bodies on the earth.

Seismic Waves- Vibrations caused by Earthquake.

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Continental Drift- Slow movement of continents towards and away from each other.

Volcano- An opening in the Earth’s crust through which molten materials come out from the interior of the Earth.

Crater- A large hole (funnel shape) at the top of a Volcano.

Focus- The point where the earthquake originates.

Epicenter- Point of the Earth’s surface directly above the focus.

Fissure- A long deep crack in the rock or on the Earth.

Seismic Waves- Vibrations caused by Earthquake.

Seismograph- Instrument for measuring (intensity) Earthquake.

Note – More Geographic Terms will be added. You can also help us to do so.

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