63rd BPSC Question Paper
1. Quartz crystals used in clocks are
(1) Sodium Silicate
(2) Silicon dioxide
(3) Germanium oxide
(4) Titanium dioxide
(5) None of the Above
2. Bromine is a
(1) colorless gas
(2) brown solid
(3) highly inflammable gas
(4) red liquid
(5) None of the above
3. Gases used in welding are
(1) Oxygen and Hydrogen
(2) Oxygen and Nitrogen
(3) Oxygen and Acetylene
(4) Hydrogen and Acetylene
(5) None of the above
4. Galvanised iron pipes have a coating of
(1) Zinc
(2) Mercury
(3) Lead
(4) Chromium
(5) None of the Above
5. The wavelength of the visible spectrum is in the range
(1) 1300 A-3900 A
(2) 3900 A- 7600 A
(3) 7800 A – 8200 A
(4) 8500 A – 9800 A
(5) None of the Above
6. Detergents used for cleaning clothes are
(1) Carbonates
(2) Bicarbonates
(3) Bismuthates
(4) Sulphonates
(5) None of the above
7. The element excreted through human sweat is
(1) Sulphur
(2) Iron
(3) Magnesium
(4) Zinc
(5) None of the above
8. Blue Vitriol is chemically
(1) Sodium Sulphate
(2) Nickel Sulphate
(3) Copper Sulphate
(4) Iron Sulphate
(5) None of the Above
9. The positively charged part at the center of an atom is called as
(1) Proton
(2) Neutron
(3) Electron
(4) Nucleus
(5) None of the above
10. The conversion of a solid directly into gas is called as
(1) Sublimation
(2) Condensation
(3) Evaporation
(4) Boiling
(5) None of the above
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