Important 23 June Current Affairs
Before You go through these top 23 June Current Affairs, Comment the Answer of this Question.
Question: Who is the author of the book ‘A Burning’?
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1. What is the theme of 2020 International Yoga Day?
Answer: Yoga for Health-Yoga at Home
2. Recently, which state gave the approval to Amazon and BigBasket to deliver liquor?
Answer: West Bengal
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3. When is World Hydrography Day observed globally?
Answer: 21st June
4. What is the theme of 2020 World Hydrography Day?
Answer: Hydrography enabling autonomous technologies
5. Recently, World Bank approved $1.05 billion to which country for generating quality jobs and boosting economy?
Answer: Bangladesh
6. Who will be the new Ambassador of India to Republic of Zimbabwe?
Answer: Vijay Khanduja
7. When is the International Widows’ Day observed?
Answer: 23rd June
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8. Who is the newly appointed CEO of Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) of its India office?
Answer: Dr. Nirakar Pradhan
9. Who is chosen by the Ministry of Ayush to promote practice of Yoga?
Answer: Anushka Sharma
10. Which commission will launch a carbon free transport service in India in association with ITF?
Answer: NITI Ayog