Industrial Engineering Objective Questions with Explanations

21. In a line organization-

A. quick decisions are taken

B. discipline is strong

C. responsibility of each individual is fixed

D. All of these

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Correct Answer is D

22. A tie for leaving variables in simplex procedure implies-

Read More- Welding Types and Definitions Notes

A. No Solution

B. Degeneracy

C. Cycling

D. Optimality

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Correct Answer is B

23. In a queuing problem, if the arrivals are completely random, then the probability distribution of the number of arrivals in a given time follows-

A. Normal distribution

B. Poisson distribution

C. Binomial distribution

D. Exponential distribution

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Correct Answer is B

24. In time study, the rating factor is applied to determine-

A. merit rating of the worker

B. fixation of incentive rate

C. standard time of a job

D. normal time of a worker

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Correct Answer is D

25. If the critical path of a project is 20 months with a standard deviation of 4 months. Then find the probability that the project will be completed in 24 months?

A. 68.5%

B. 84.2%

C. 92.2%

D. 95.8%

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Correct Answer is B

Using the formula-

z = (x – ?)/s

z = (24 – 20)/4 = 1


P(1) = 0.842 = 84.2%

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