Chemistry Quiz Take these Chemistry Quizzes for free.
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Quiz No.: 01 Quiz No.: 02
16 Chemistry Quiz - 02
Total Questions: 10 Duration: 5 minutes
Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.
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The average score is 51%
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Q uiz No.: 03 12 Chemistry Quiz - 03
Total Questions: 10 Duration: 5 minutes
Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.
Finish the quiz in the given time (5 minutes).
All Questions are compulsory.
1 / 10
Which among the following gases is used in advertisement signs?
Neon gas is used for advertisement signs.
When the electricity at low pressure, it glows red. Mercury and Argon can be added to change the color.
Neon gas is used for advertisement signs.
When the electricity at low pressure, it glows red. Mercury and Argon can be added to change the color.
Neon gas is used for advertisement signs.
When the electricity at low pressure, it glows red. Mercury and Argon can be added to change the color.
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The average score is 55%
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Quiz No.: 04 Chemistry Quiz- 04
Total Questions: 10 Duration: 5 minutes
Select the correct option out of the four alternatives.
Finish the quiz in the given time (5 minutes).
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The average score is 44%
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Thanks for the quiz . I totally inspired of it.Please keep it up .